SAHS Sexual Addiction Help Support
SAHS Sexual Addiction Help Support
I want to recover from sexual addiction. However, there is not enough information about it. In the first place, I can't judge myself as an sexual addict.
From my experience of sexual addiction, this website was made to share certain information of sexual addiction here.
I made this website to keep on recovering, to get to know more about sexual addiction
and to support sexual addicts recovery. That is SAHS.
What is Sexual Addiction?
Sexual addiction is an disorder of coexisting sexual lust and wish to stop sexual behaviors
Sexual addiction is the disorder that patient cannot stop sexual behaviors (sex, masturbating, watching porn, exhibitionism, voyeurism, molesting, raping, unsafe sex etc) and the condition of these behaviors affects one's lifestyle significantly.
The medical treatment for sexual addiction which violates the law such as molesting, raping, voyeurism, exhibitionism has gradually increased in Japan. On the other hand, the medical treatment for "non criminal sexual addiction" such as having sex outside marriage, having sex with anonymous people,
cyber sexual communication on the internet, compulsive masturbation and et. have not developed enough environment of recovery and medical treatment facilities.
The 6 signs of sexual addiction
What is "PATHOS" that indicates features of disorder
Preoccupation to sexual behaviors
`Preoccupation to sexual behavior, spending too much time for sexual fantasy
Hidden sexual behavior
Having sexual behavior secretly in order not to be noticed the sexual behavior by others
Needing for help
Feeling that needs of help to stop sexual behavior
Hurt others by sexual behavior
Hurt others
Hurting partners or someone by engaging sexual behavior
Out of control
Out of control
Becoming out of control to stop sexual behavior
Feeling depressed after sexual behavior
Feeling depressed after sexual behavior, sometime feeling guilty
If these symptoms emerged with sexual behaviors, you may have the risk of sexual addiction.
Online Sexual Addiction Talk with Shiro (Addicts)
When I first faced my sexual problem, I confronted the lack of the consulting agency of sexual addiction in Japan.
SAHS opened the women's online sexual addiction talk for a fee.
Personal meeting cost on you.
Exceptionally, teenagers can talk with Shiro about sexual problems for free. Please let me know by e-mail.
Website owner Shiro (Sexual addict)
Shiro is an woman sexual addict who born in1989. Sexual compulsive behavior addict and sex addict. Mother of 3 children.
After repeated successive sexual problem, attempt to suicide and failed.
After that, I realize my problem and started to recover from 2020 by reading books written by Dr. Patrick Carnes, Dr. Robert Weiss, and Dr. Stefanie Carnes. Participating and running self-help group. Sharing information about sexual addiction on SNS.
Japanese translation of SAST released 2020 Nov. SAHS Website started 2021 May.
Upcoming Events
- Sun, Sep 29神戸市Sep 29, 2024, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM神戸市, 日本、〒650-0025 兵庫県神戸市中央区相生町4丁目5−16 神戸駅前Atビル 8F年に2回開催しているSAHSの性依存リアルミーティング。今回は関西に進出して神戸で開催いたします!性依存や性の問題に悩む方、関心を持っている方、なかなかオープンに話す機会がない「性の問題」を分かち合ってみませんか?
- Sun, Mar 03SAKURA SPACE 神田Mar 03, 2024, 3:30 PM – 5:00 PMSAKURA SPACE 神田, 日本、〒101-0042 東京都千代田区神田東松下町12−7 東松ビル 東松(とうしょう)パーキングビル3階SAHSが北海道を飛び出して、初の東京ミーティングを開催します! 性依存の悩みや向きあい方など、ひとりで抱えず分かち合いませんか? テーマ「性依存を手放すための足場固め」 日時: 3月3日(日)15:30~17:00 会場: SAKURA SPACE 神田 東京都千代田区神田東松下町12-7 東松(とうしょう)パーキングビル 3階 参加対象: 性依存当事者・当事者家族・性依存当事者の支援に関わっている有識者(医療従事者・法曹関係者など) 収容人数に限りがあります。事前にお問い合わせの上ご参加下さい。
- Sun, Oct 16北見市Oct 16, 2022, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM北見市, 日本、〒090-0811 北海道北見市泉町1丁目3−22性依存について、様々な立場から分かち合うことで、理解を深めていくことを目的としたミーティングを開催します。当事者だけでなく、支援者・当事者家族・非当事者など、どなたでも参加が可能です。